
Is it possible to use ChromeCast to watch 5ik.TV on our TV?

Currently you can use ChromeCast extension with 5ik.TV.

To set up for ChromeCast, you need to use Google Chrome browser on a PC, with ChromeCast extension installed. 

After the installation, you will get an additional icon on the Chrome browser.  You can then use it to redirect (cast) to the ChromeCast on the same network.

From there, you start a 5ik.TV watching session as you normally would (using Chrome browser). As streaming starts, click on the ChromeCast icon to cast over to the selected ChromeCast device.

  1. PC (windows, mac, or Linux) with Google Chrome browser installed.
  2. extension: https://support.google.com/chromecast/answer/2998338?hl=en&ref_topic=4602553
Hopefully we have answered your question. Please let us know if additional assistance is needed.

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